Summer of Math Exposition

Probability "Paradoxes" Explained with Common Sense

A video about probability.


6.2 Overall score*
37 Votes
Rank 37


Really loved it! I often find probability counterintuitive, and this “common-sense” approach resonated with me, as well as your easygoing style. A few of the examples were a little confusing, but I definitely grokked the overall message of taking a bit of a “meta”-approach. Not just thinking about the info, but about why you know the info, and why you’re missing other info. If anything, maybe the video felt a little too disjointed? There were a lot of examples done without much of an overall structure, and that made it hard to follow at times…


Great presentation and flawless video quality, but would benefit from more mathematical context & narrative.


There were parts where maybe you could've been clearer. Amazing video none the less


Great little toys. (Maybe the one who didn't say anything about the dessert was allergic to it and thus didn't eat it?) Intuition is important, but hard!


Good examples. A few decision trees would be helpful.


I really liked the style and pace of the video. I liked how you used many examples that were easier to understand for an average person. Also, loved your accent!


Best presenter seen on camera. (There have been very few.) Also I do prefer equation-light/equation-free videos. I'm never going to absorb a complex equation just from seeing it written out.


That passion is contagious! Would be nice if camera didnt wobble all the time.. It was a great fun.


Very nice explanation, easy and satisfying to understand. Advice would be to add more motivation and structure at the beginning. Maybe mention what paradoxes would be covered, categorize them so the structure is easier to follow. The explanations were very fun but towards the end they started to feel a bit repetitive, so maybe more commentary on what each example is emphasizing or add more real life applications


The explanation is passionate but I would improve the video footage


The point of the video could have been clearer from the beginning. Maybe dwell a bit on each conclusion a little more it seemed a bit rapid fire which further confuses you on the point of any of this.
