Summer of Math Exposition

Data protection

We respect your data. This privacy policy lists the data we collect and explains how we use it when you navigate on the champagne website.

Collected Data

We collect personal data (email) when you register as a creator or judge as well as data about your entry (title, link, description etc.) when you submit an entry.

Your personal data is only used in order to send and retrieve your vote link. Data about your entry is used on the voting platform and can be used elsewhere on

All data is stored on our database for the duration of the competition, and we do not sell any of your data nor use it for marketing campaigns.

You can access, modify or delete any of your data by emailing us at [email protected]


We use a cookie to keep you logged in. This is the only cookie we use and is required for the vote functionality.

We do not use nor install third party cookies (e.g advertisement, tracking etc.).