Summer of Math Exposition

How good is Advantage in D&D?

In Dungeons and Dragons, "rolling with advantage" means rolling two dice and taking the highest. Can we equate this to a flat modifier? It turns out that this raises some interesting questions about probability.


7 Overall score*
11 Rank
43 Votes


love the illustrations and intuitive points on probability


I watched this one directly on Youtube prior to it showing up here actually - which shows that the Almighty Algorithm is learning that this is a good video! Which it is. I have played a lot of D&D in my time, and I was definitely interested to see how this varied the effective probabilities. The old 3.5th Edition rule ("the DM's best friend") was that you could give a +2 or -2 modifier to a skill check (or its DC) for each effect that changes things, so going into this, that's what I wanted to compare it to. Cool video!


Liked everything about this video. Realized afterwards that you’re the same guy who created the Cursed Units and the balls in a bag videos. Subscribed :)


This video is okay. It wasn’t too long and it wasn’t confusing. But the problem is only slightly interesting.


Overall, a good video, that went into an interesting topic in probability, explaining and exploring multiple pathways through an interesting medium (D&D). It was generally well explained for those that have never played D&D. Occasionally, some parts felt somewhat rushed or underexplained, with a few acronyms (e.g. DM) being used that weren't explained, as well as the phrase "the first order taylor expansion, if you know what that is" being used - perhaps explain or leave it out!


Creative demonstration. Consise explanation: informative with subtle humor.


Great animation style, clear explanations, good motivation. Simple ideas but cool conclusions !


Similar to Stand-up Maths' video, but more in depth to how the probability actually manifests in DnD. Maybe slow down a bit and explain how the probability curves you are showing get derived.


The video deals with important questions about probability while tackling a fun little problem with AD&D. Well done!


Very nice video, naturally covering interesting concepts via a natural example! While not a D&D player myself, I did find the introduction quite appealing and an interesting way to motivate the question of "what does twice as likely mean?". The quality of the video and the sound are very well done. The only thing that could be improved (in my opinion), would be to not put as much unread text. I had to stop the video a couple of times to read what was written, which broke the pacing. I would recommend to either directly read what is written, write less, or leave a bit more time for the viewer to read. Otherwise, great video!


I liked it that you keeped it short. It's an interesting video.