Summer of Math Exposition

The 1/3-2/3 Conjecture

The 1/3-2/3 Conjecture is one of the biggest unsolved problems in Order Theory. In this video we introduce posets, the 1/3-2/3 conjecture, what the current state of the art is on the problem, and why it matters.


6.3 Overall score*
41 Votes
Rank 32


I think too much time is spent on simply listing definitions, without enough reference to real world applications.


Nice explication. However, no advanced idea is discussed. I


Very clear explanation


Production quality is a bit low, but the topic is interesting and covered well.


I like how concise the video is, especially because it does have something to explain. Also I find the topic rather original and I'm waiting for possible continuation.


I like how this got me interested and then stopped before it would get me lost, so that I’m still motivated to read up on the points at the very end of the video, when time allows.


Short and sweet ;) Really easy overview, and your voice over was well done




I really liked this - it states the problem it’s explaining clearly, the visuals are useful, and I really liked the cheesy (I mean fruity) jokes.


I liked the examples given with the definitions to help make the explanations easier to understand. I think it'd be curious to explain how the 1/3 or 2/3 bounds was drawn out in the first place and give a bit more detail into how the applications could be visualized.


I studied the same thing today. Liked the video


You covered the subject matter you aimed to well (and extra concisely) but unfortunately you still left me with an extra question I didn't have before watching the video: Are mathematician jokes a subset or a superset of dad jokes?


Very nice video, very clear and concise. Pretty entertaining, cool topic, good visuals and other production value. I like that it's short but still packs a lot of info One thing you could maybe do is offer more motivation at the beginning, maybe a sneak peak at the content or hint at what it will be useful for. But that's a nitpick, you already did a pretty good job. At a few points you move a bit too quickly like the shaving off love third probability remark, maybe use a few more sentences or visuals to explain more clearly


Goal Orientation: 6/10 Novelty: 5/10 Thought-Provoking: 9/10 Comprehensibility: 9/10 Technological: 5/10 Overall Average: 6.8/10


Very well made video, it introduces the concepts of posets in an easily understandable manner and presents a very interesting theorem that I personally didn't know about but would love to hear more about now. The only reasons that i didn't rate it as outstanding is because I personally would've liked a more in-depth video, but this video is excellent to make a rather abstract mathematical concept easily accesible to people and that's definitely it's biggest strength, while also being fun to watch and interesting for somebody with a mathematical background. As somebody with such a background I would've prefered some more maths, but I understand that one cannot reach all audiences. Very good video!
