Summer of Math Exposition

The Moebius function

In number theory, the Moebius function allows us to decompose complicated functions into simpler parts. The definition of this function can be difficult to understand, so we flesh it out one step at a time. We start with the Dirichlet convolution, we look at its properties, and finally we look for inverses of number sequences. One of those inverses is the Moebius function. We understand how it works by looking at a Hasse diagram.


6.9 Overall score*
15 Rank
40 Votes


The animations are very clean and informative. The video explain Morbius Equations really nicely, visually and intuitively.


Very good concept - what is the background for this non-intuitive equation - and execution - well-paced, helped me absorb just about everything presented without pausing or backing up.


I learned something, and understood why some people value that, but I wish there had been a little more in the beginning for me to see the value myself.


Fun content! The pacing was good, animations were great. I wondered if you would try to graph the moebius function? The motivation was self implied


motivation 5/10 clarity 8/10 novelty 7/10 memorability 5/10


I just came from a video that started at maximum speed and kind of left the viewer in the dust as it rushed off. No attempt at establishing motivation, which made it hard to understand the intention unless/until you managed to catch up. Yours is the opposite, and I do agree that what you get in textbooks is a polished final result, with no sign of the long process of thinking that went into it. Having an appreciation that every proof in a book is wearing its Sunday best is a valuable insight.


Very nice connection on how to derive the Moebius function as well as appropriate examples and visualizations to drive home how to get from one place to another. Given that your goal was to motivate why a function is defined this way, we've also uncovered more structure that is interesting about the functions that can be explored. I think one way to improve this is to ask if the viewers could show that the group does satisfy the group axioms as there are some details left missing.


I really like that one, discovereing a side of number theory I never studied in my enineering career.


This was a very intuitive video! I met the Mobius function in my 3rd year of undergrad mathematics. It was indeed just presented as a function which one could check is an inverse to the sum-over-divisors convolution 1*f. This video put that into a wider context. The Dirichlet convolution was clearly + motivated-ly explained. I hadn't met Hasse diagrams but it clicked soon enough. It was really nice to introduce some group theory too for adding a richer structure to the set of arithmetic functions. I hadn't considered / known that we could consider the convolution action as a group action, with of course inverses existing if f is multiplicative. This was a really great video because the result was very emergent, that is the Mobius function's definition naturally just popped out at the end, rather than synthetically defining it initially and just checking it works. I think I might return to number theory at some point, and this is the motivation :D


The pacing is a bit fast for me but otherwise, this is the most polished video I have seen in this contest so far.


I had seen your video on YT before the voting started. Happy that I got the chance to vote it at the very end. I really liked your work, specially the part explaining the Drichlet series. Keep it up.
