Summer of Math Exposition

What School Didn't Teach You About Mazes

This video provides a painless introduction to the ideas of Maze Generation and the relating Graph Theory. It also highlights an uncommon algorithm that deserves more attention, particularly in the world of ever-changing mazes.


7.5 Overall score*
47 Votes
Rank 2


I saw this in my recommended when it came out. I really liked it both times I watched it (then and now). It explains mazes in a fun way and I hope you make more videos like it. The only thing is that it is very similar to 3b1b with wording in some parts and of course the visuals (I believe you used manim). Idk a great fix or if it’s even a problem, but it’s not retracted from my vote :) 5/5.


Amazing video.


Incredible video showing a novel algorithm for maze generation with excellent visuals. I'll remember this one for a long time.


This was great! I've got nothing to say.


Excellent content and presentation. I have a decent amount of experience with graph theory and algorithms so I felt well equipped to keep up with the pace, but even for someone less experienced, I feel like you provided the right tone so they would know not to feel lost, and just to roll with it, if they don’t understand e.g. what a tree is.


This video does the best job of capturing the 3B1B vibe of any I've seen so far. If it had had Grant's voice on instead of yours, I would barely have been able to tell.


Good easy to understand video. Would perhaps be nice to explore the space of graph traversal algorithms slightly more to give a wider understanding of the topic. Graphics were nice, though occasionally somewhat blurry.


I liked this video a lot, partly because I could understand it. Did a good job of making it understandable even for someone not too familiar with graph theory. Good animations. Easy to listen to. Good start. The sponsor part at the end isn't ideal but not a problem. Keep up the good work!


motivation 5/10 clarity 10/10 novelty 8/10 memorability 5/10


I loved it! Informative, good pace, and interesting!


Great Video !


Nicely done, production quality was superb, and length was just right.
