Summer of Math Exposition

Ranked-choice (Instant-runoff) Voting, Interactive Demo

In the US, many people want ranked-choice voting as an alternative to the current system where a candidate may win even with less than half of the total votes. View this interactive demo to see how Rank-choice voting can allow third party candidates a better mathematical possibility of winning.



3.4 Overall score*
8 Votes
Rank 37


The demo didn’t work on my phone. I wish it had!


1. If you list various benefits of Ranked-Choice Voting and then sort them according to social value, where do your two value-statements fall? A: allow 3rd party a better chance of winning B: not allow a 3rd party to make "a big difference in the total" 2. Your simulation hides details about choice profiles for those votes in the first reallocated group; details for next stage are also not shown. 3. Clarify what ideas you hope a user of your simulation will learn, then identify what written info or interaction will be useful for each idea.