Summer of Math Exposition

Fibonacci Nim - Play Zeckendorf First?

Fibonacci Nim is a two-player strategy game where players take turns removing ducks from a pile. But how can we win? What does Fibonacci have to do with it? And what other beautiful math can we uncover along the way?


6.7 Overall score*
32 Votes
Rank 19


At 16:14 stated Fibonacci sequence is increasing, which is false in two common definition: starting from 1, 1 and starting from 0, 1, 1. In the end, we proved a winning strategy. But we didn't say anything about why in other cases we always lose. Some viewers may even be confused why don't we always win. And, final note: you refer to previous videos in the beginning, just to let viewers know how we determine P and N positions (not sure is it common notion). But you don't recap. In my opinion It is not so hard to explain why is it like that. Just start from explaining losing position: losing by definition means you "can't do anything", or in other words: any move you choose leads to a win of your opponent (next player). Then, what is winning position? It's position when you don't lose. I don't think it would increase length of the video too much.


Really love this! It hits the novelty because I've never heard of this before, and very clear explanation.


Goal Orientation: 6/10 Novelty: 2/10 Thought-Provoking: 3/10 Comprehensibility: 5/10 Technological: 2/10 Overall Average: 3.6/10


This work is really good!! ... For me the idea is enterally original... I knew the game of NIM before but had no idea about the variants that can be play ... So it is original in the theme for SoME... It is very well explained too and the explanation is suitable for anyone who has very little of math knowledge in advance... Keep on doing this fantastic work!!


Simple context with strategic analysis involving a rich collection of ideas: tabular display, induction in several ways, visual display with patterns interpreted in terms of the analysis. Presentation is narrated at a nice pace — very good work !! In addition to being a nicely organized presentation of a sophisticated analysis, I think this could be morphed into a form similar to a bottom-up approach: is n=1 duck won or lost?, n=2?, n=3?; what strategy (if any) to win for n=4?, for n=5?, etc. Early use of tabular summary finesses a naive granular approach. How about a discussion of interaction between constraints on moves affects strategy? E.g., move_{n+1} <= move_n + delta where delta in {-1,0,1,2}. This presentation is Outstanding because it is very good for a variety of audiences.


I do enjoy the candid tone overall, though perhaps audio quality could be a bit more consistent. This is the type of esoteric content I do enjoy. I can't rate it incredibly high as I think the production value could be improved, but it does have a really nice charm.


Quite a nice representation of a game and how we can connect different areas of mathematics here. The proofs were well explained and there's a nice close and personal style presented here. It'd be nice if there was an interactive component to the game coded as well to allow us to verify and find the patterns that the winning move is indeed to take the last Zeckendorf term out.
