Summer of Math Exposition

Eisenstein Primes Visually

This video is a discussion of the Eisenstein Integers, applying the ideas of primes to get unique factorization of the integers, and the link between these Eisenstein primes and the natural primes.


6.9 Overall score*
32 Votes
Rank 13


Nice video! I like the graphics and the clear, well spoken explanations. I'm missing an introduction, though. What makes Eisenstein primes interesting? How are they important? In other words, why might I want to watch the video?


Cool visuals, I like! It's always fun to have something interactive to play with.


this is fascinating. the exposition is very well presented and i will have to catch up with the series motivation 5/10 clarity 8/10 novelty 8/10 memorability 5/10


Good work! I especially liked the visuals and the interactive app. Where I feel the video falls short is the motivation. What are the applications of this?


It was very entertaining, thank you


This a wonderful exposition to extending primes to the complex plane. The topic was quite new to me. Yet the video was clear and elegant. The explanations were spot on and the visual web app was a bonus to exploring the topic further. Very well done. If I'd have any point of constructive criticism, I would have like to seen just a quick summary of the types of complex primes mathematicians have been studying. A quick 2 minutes motivating the complex primes or a story on the first time mathematicians thought about them.


Awesome video!!! I'd never heard of the Eisenstein primes before. The explanation has great scaffolding and sequence. The graphics are beautiful. I subscribed to your channel. On a side note. I can hear a low rumble when you hit the desk/mic. It might just be because I have high-end headphones. Just thought you should now.


I liked the video and the visuals definitely helped. I also liked the proof around the middle of the video that helped me understand as well.


I liked the takeaways as interesting math facts. Some of the transitions to proofs were a bit jarring, and I felt they were not motivated well enough until after the proof was already over. The comparison between Gaussian and Eisenstein integers was very informative.


The only issue I would say I have with this video, is that it is a sequel to your previous video, and thus I think for the purpose of this competition it could be a bit hard to follow/hard to see the motivation for it. In combination with the previous video, I absolutely love it.


Cool video. Since it is quite a long video, viewers can feel lost at some point. So, I think it would help if you divide it into smaller parts.


Good overview of the topic. The areas it falls short are the motivation and conclusion - why are these interesting and what can you do with the knowledge?


Fascinating topic, great explanation and introduction to Eisenstein primes in the beginning and great visuals. Good job on the interactive tool as well. I've never heard of Eisenstein primes before so that was very interesting. A few places especially towards the end where I felt you were jumping over steps so it was harder to follow. Some assumptions weren't stated, logical deductions glossed over too quickly. Like some theorem was applied and I had no idea what. Some confusion over integers vs gaussian integers vs Eisenstein integers, more explicit stating of which you're talking about may help. More organization and structure, maybe saying what will be covered in the intro and a summary. Transitions as well. A bit weird that the title and intro are about Eisenstein primes but then a good chunk of the video is about gaussian primes only. More motivation might help, the initial topic was interesting but I didn't care that much about why 1 mod 4 had square roots or whatever, especially when it wasn't clear that was what you'd talk about our how long you'll yspend on the proof. Maybe show more visuals or drive home why this is surprising or hint at how elegant the proof will be. Could also be interesting to share why this is a natural object to be interested in, how it can be applied to other useful areas, the significance of this proof
