Summer of Math Exposition

A Beginner's Guide to Graph Theory

A basic illustrated guide to the principles of graph theory which has many applications in computer science and the natural sciences.



3.2 Overall score*
16 Votes
Rank 38


Its form is unique but it makes it more of an infographic rather than an explainer. This means it has a bit too little detail even for an introduction to the topic.


So cool! I hadn't realized the utility of graph coloring before. A bit more explanation on the first page would have been neat.


Using V_n in the first 2 graphs might be confusing for the beginner. A bit more space between the graphs would have helped. Good for a fast look, refresher for definitions and examples.


- I really like the hand-drawn style - Nice explanation of graph coloring—I never knew it had any real-world applications - Some more examples of degree would be nice; I was still somewhat confused by your explanation of "loops count x2"


Weak on motivation, novelty, and clarity. Good visuals and color, but not enough to overcome the limited content.


It says beginner's guide, but the pace is super-fast! You need to know graph theory quite well to follow everything. :)


I think the handshake theorem is really cool, but perhaps you could expand on it more? The speed you covered concepts was really fast, and most of the audience might need longer explanations! Love the visual style


Reading the entry reminded me of borrowing someone’s study notes. I was not able to learn the material with the entry alone. I would need more prose or examples


These remind me of the notes someone might take during a lecture - useful in addition to other reading and materials.