Permutation Tables, Permutation Cycles and Transpositions
This article (and associated articles) explains you how Linear Permutation Without Repetition of N Distinct Items can be mathematically represented
The amount of things in bold was distracting. Fewer words in bold would have hepled me stay focused on the content. There was too much jargon, without much explanation for why we should care. I also felt that, in some places, complicated language was used when simpler language would have sufficed. For instance, in section 4, I found it difficult to parse through 'Permutation Tables in which the Source Index Locations and Destination Index Locations are same for all Items represent the Identity Permutation.' I had an overall feeling of reading through something like an index meant to be read by someone who is already proficient in these concepts.
1.9Topic not so interesting and its not presented in an intriguing manner.
1.3Add visuals, be more concise, emphasize an the main result, overall nice intro to permutation notation
1.3The tone isn't explanatory: you're not welcoming of audiences with less technical expertise. Additionally, the content could be more engaging.
3.3There isn't any motivation for why the audience should care. Perhaps if you go all the way to parity of permutations, then there would be a bit more motivation for why an audience should care.
2.2I am not sure what problems I should expect to be able to solve after learning the material in this article and the associated articles. I feel like the bigger story / bigger picture is missing.