Summer of Math Exposition

Finite Element Method Explained in 3 Levels of Difficulty

The finite element method is difficult to understand when studying all of its concepts at once. Therefore, I explain the finite element method in three levels with increasing complexity.


6.5 Overall score*
25 Votes
Rank 31


Hi ! I must precise that I could not watch the video entirely, but I quickly skimmed through the different parts. Your narration and animations are very good, you should definitely keep posting videos. However, even in the first level there is a very large amount of equations and formulas. I know sometimes it's hard to avoid these, but it will definitely improve your presentation if you try to limit as much as possible the number of equations. For instance at 11:29 I think this is too much already. Unfortunately students or viewers get bored very fast when they have to follow through formulas and computations for several minutes straight. Other than that I think the topic is interesting and you surely put a large amount of work in your video. Keep at it :)


The longer the video, the stronger its motivation needs to be. I found this a bit slow to get started, not really convincing me that a forty minute video was worth devoting time to. Might work better as a short series, or alternatively, with a more intriguing introduction?


I think the video (coupled with the one of the weak formulation) will be VERY useful for students. One remarck : I am not sure that the choice of a constant f is the better, with repect to pedadgogy. Perhaps f=x would be better ? (trade off to find between generality and complexity...) Anyway, thanks a lot and congratulations.


Good video ! I did not know anything about finite elements, and this video teach it me very well. My bemol is on the clarity : the length of the video, combined with raw visuals explanations makes it difficult to understand, especially in the third part, where it was a bit difficult to see where you were going and what you were trying to say. But in global, in teach me a lot. Thanks. Scale : - Motivation : 5 - Clarity : 2 - Novelty : 5 - Memorability : 3 ---Total : 15