Summer of Math Exposition

Is My Dad Cheating?

My family loves playing Settlers of Catan, and yet I always find myself losing to my dad. I think the dice are rigged, so I decide to do a chi-square goodness of fit test to check my hypothesis.


6.2 Overall score*
38 Votes
Rank 39


I love how intriguing (although a bit "clickbaity") and humorous the title and main question of the video are. The visuals of the introduction were a bit too fast-paced and in-your-face, however, that did get better as the video continued. (For example: the creator was complaining about his father complaining about rolling the dice so often.) There were a few gaps in the idea of the video: How could the father be cheating if he was using the same "Settlers of Catan" dice as everybody else on the table? Or did he switch them out with different ones with a bit of sleight of hand? Additionally, I did like how the maker of the video progressed with more mathematical ideas further on with the video with for example the "Chi-Squared Test for Goodness of Fit". Despite that, he didn't properly explain why he used that metric instead of any other standardised system of checking if his observed values matched up with expected values. It would have also been interesting to see where the value for alpha the "Level of Significance" comes from. Small, but fun video.


Excellent video. The problem is very clearly motivated, and the analysis is all explained well.


Good sense of humor and chill music, better if one could explain how his father managed to win games mathematically.


Not a bad video overall. The beginning part could do with less things flashing on screen, it's pretty hard on the eyes. The math is overall explained decently well and the gimmick makes it a bit unique, but it's explaining a fairly basic statistical concept in a fairly straightforward way, so it's not the most novel or memorable video. Overall good job.


I really liked the style and how entertaining it was. The problem was the novelty of the ideas presented.


This video did a really good job of explaining the chi square. It wasn’t too long.


Dad cheating is an important subject, highly deserving of close scrutiny. Glad your pop checked out okay.


Too fast, too fast to comprehend last screen of information and then jumped to next


Eventhough this topic is covered 1000 times, but you made it really fun to watch. Keep up the good work.


Great video, interesting story.


Very fun video I enjoyed it! I like the story to motivate the math with the twist at the end


I love the hook. It was a great development of the chi-squared statistic, but I would have loved a little more about why they chi-squared distribution looks the way it does. (Sums of squaring normal distributions). Very Nice!


I think it would be nice to go into why the chosen Catan strategy works, but that might be better as a separate video. Also, showing how we form the chi-squared distribution and its equation similar to the derivation for the chi-squared statistic would be helpful in understanding. And for someone who has never taken a statistics class, explaining what value is considered low enough to claim something is statistically significant would help (initially, I might think that an AUC of 0.14 should be considered statistically significant).


I liked how you described the Chi-squared test and how to do it. It covers a relatable problem and how to go about detecting whether or not it is a problem. It would have been nice to see where else Chi-squared tests can be used - can this be applied for more than testing fairness of dice? Nice job!


Rating as "not as good" Sorry but I don't think I learned much from this video. I also felt it was let down a bit by your "reaction" to the result of the chi squared test. I would have preferred it if you had not done that.


Totally unexpected ChiSquare test explanation. You got me when you started talking about Catan. I think it is a good video, well motivated and well explained. I think you could have explained a little bit more the significance value, but it is still a great video. I hope you continue making math videos and playing Catan!


Nice “hook” - is my Dad cheating? The blinking of a slide then having the screen go all black was a little fast and was a bit hard to watch. Nice tie in with the chi squared test. Good job.
