Summer of Math Exposition

The Basics of Circular Motion (and Beyond)!

In this video we take an in depth look at the basics of circular motion, and extend it to motion along an arbitrary path with a changing speed. We also investigate a conical pendulum in detail and show that there are no centripetal forces acting on mass!


7 Overall score*
37 Votes
Rank 9


Low novelty, high clarity, still not sure on motivation. It seems like you are focused on accounting for as many real life effects on this experiment as you can, but the choices you made about what to account for and what not to seem a bit arbitrary. Very very strong visuals.


This is a high quality video that should be very useful for instruction on this topic.


Rating as "Better than most" It was funny seeing you mention your previous video at the start of this one. I was a SOME reviewer last year too and that video was one that was given to me to review. A good video on an interesting subject. Video was well paced and it was all explained well. An engaging narrator. I liked seeing the demonstrations. Well done.


Goal Orientation: 3/10 Novelty: 1/10 Thought-Provoking: 1/10 Comprehensibility: 2/10 Technological: 5/10 Overall Average: 2.4/10


Very well thought, nicely used audio and very nice style of explanation.


I was always curious about my assumptions on how circular motion worked and this video helped to clarify many things about it. The explanations were very clear, and we had experiments to verify those assumptions which gave confidence to what we calculated. It is an outstanding piece on how we could apply math to demonstrate real life phenomena. It'd be interesting if we could so more complex rotation phenomena.


Thank you for producing this video as it provides a concrete example of when one is advised to use "net force," versus centripetal force.


I like how you mix animation, theory, and experiment in the video. It is clear a lot of effort went into development. The dialogue delivery is a tad stilted. A more natural flow would hold the audience's attention better. Tackling questions and criticisms from the original video is also a +. I agree: going as far as calling the original video clickbait is a bit based.
